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To empower soloprenuers, creatives, holistic practitioners and service providers by providing beautifully designed websites and brand identities using human-centered design principles and the latest web design technologies to help their businesses grow.


To help business owners succeed in order to give communities greater access to the services they need to improve their lives.



It's by helping people and making a difference in their lives, no matter how small, that we can find the most reward in business and in life.


It's by stepping into the shoes of others that allows us to truly see them, address their needs, and help them solve their problems.


Creativity doesn't have any boundaries. By continually pushing our creative limits and thinking outside the box, we can help others achieve more than they ever thought they could.


Each business and project has unique challenges without one-size-fits-all solutions. By asking questions, continually learning, and applying existing and new technologies we can solve even the most complex business problems.

Hello! I'm Liz Keefe

Profile Picture of Liz Keefe, founder of BC Interactive Media

I'm a designer, marketer, programmer, artist, and entrepreneur living in Vestal, NY with my husband.

My website design and development career began due to an interest in the Internet and what it could accomplish for society, such as a supportive environment for like-minded individuals, or a portal for information and advice.

In 1998, after the birth of my oldest daughter, I founded Baby Corner, one of the first websites for expectant and new parents to find online information and a supportive community as they transition into early parenthood. A custom database driven membership website the website quickly grew from being a simple web page with the first online baby photo contest to thousands of articles and a following of 400,000 users per month through an effective content and SEO strategy, email marketing, word of mouth, and public relations.

Featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune, and listed  as a resource in many printed parenting books and magazines, Baby Corner became the go-to online destination for parents to get the information and guidance they needed. In 2013, I received the VIP Woman of the Year award from The National Association of Professional Women for dedication to my profession and the achievement of women.

After programming the site to automate many of its processes, I was awarded extra time to begin designing and developing websites for other businesses. I found that I absolutely loved learning about these businesses and the people behind them. And so, I began designing and programming custom websites user experiences, online stores, content management systems (CMS), and interactive website features to help their businesses grow.

In 2014, I began attending Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) in an effort to fill in the gaps of my computer science and programming skills. I completed dual internship with Cortland Regional Medical Center in both the IT and the marketing departments. I graduated with a degree in  Computer Information Systems, maintaining status on the dean's list, and receiving the highest honest honor of receiving a President's citation award. Following graduation, I continued working with the hospital's marketing department as a contract website developer, graphic designer, and content strategist.

After the hospital was sold and merged with another hospital, I accepted a job offer as an eCommerce developer for a promotional products company programming custom experiences for their clients' eCommerce websites and improving the company’s proprietary eCommerce system features. Here, I completed Dale Carnegie professional training with coworkers to build leadership skills, build confidence with public speaking and communication. To further my development skills, and completed a certificate for Developing Applications with Google Cloud.

In 2021, like many others during the pandemic, I began re-evaluating my career and life. I was overwhelmed, and felt like my career had veered off into something that wasn't relevant to my life's goal, which is to help others. So I left my cubical, and got back to my creative side.

I started painting again, something I hadn't done since I was a teenager, and I started looking at life through a different lens to answer the biggest question of all - what is my purpose? I launched a creative, holistic business, Mossberry Woods, an artisan candle business that strives to help people step back, take a deep breath, and create a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility within themselves and others.

I’ve learned that my journey always leads me back to my life's goal of helping others, and my creative business ventures allow me the freedom to do it. With my experience and education, I am in the unique position to help other solopreneurs, creatives, holistic businesses and practitioners solve their complex business and marketing problems. And so, that is what I do today, in between making a few candles here and there!

If you are looking to have your website built or re-designed, I invite you to schedule a free discovery call with me to see how I can help you achieve your business dreams and hopefully help make your life a little easier.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you!

~ Liz